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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
net BEEPER +crescent 9
crescent 5
om +star crescent & trident 24
plant & crescent 1
rabbit & crescent 16
sh. MOON +crescent 30
shree SHIDHEYSWAR +crescent 31
crescent 3
square & crescent 25
square circle & crescent 5
square circles & crescent 12
squares & crescent 19
star crescent & dot 9
star crescent & leaves 5
star & crescent 6
sun crescent stars & oval 5
sun & crescent moon 45
swords crescent & star 29
swords, crescent & stars 34
triangles & crescent 31
crescents 1, 6, 9, 10, 16
crescents & eyes 35
crescents & ovals 28
crescents & star 7, 9, 14
crescents arrows & circle 16
AII brand +crescents & star 20
ALBATROSS +crescents 25
C CMC +crescents 8, 20
CARE & CURE +crescents 10
CCC +crescents 37
CHEER +3 crescents 3
CONNECT SCHOOL +crescents 9
COPPER CHIRRUT +crescents 25
CRESCENT HOMES +crescents 43
CRESCENT INN +crescents 43
EBSOLUTE +crescents 16
FLAGRO +crescents 9
FORBES GOKAK LTD +crescents 7, 9, 11, 16, 21, 24, 25
GLOBUS +crescents & globe 25
HAMILTON +man & crescents 16
I +crescents & arcs 25
IN +crescents 16
IRAM +crescents & oval 32
JAIYAM +crescents & arrows 38
KC +crescents 42
MAXIMA +crescents 14
NPEW +crescents & square 7
PM ply & board +crescents 19
REFORE 7 +ovals & crescents 5
RETAWATER +crescents 42
S +star & crescents 4
SAHAJANAND +crescents & sta 2, 6, 14, 15, 26
crescents 1, 3, 8, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32
SHYAM +crescents 9
SKP GROUP +crescents 4
TECNOMIC +crescents 16
circle & crescents 25
ovals crescents & stars 34
star crescents & leaves 3
star & crescents 10
tm +crescents & circle 25
CHAND TARA +star & cresent 31
cresent 24
KHALIFA BABU +cresent & sta 24
cresent 24
FORMOA cresol 5
BAJAJ crest 12
CAMEL crest +camel & arrows 16
CAPSTAN HERO +crest & arrow 34
GL SUPREMO +crest 34
OBEROI crest 37
crest 35
dairy crest +cow 30
mont crest WORN TO WIN +sta 25
royal crest by RAYMOND 24
top crete +stripes 1
crib 25
TEAM crib sheet 19
cricket 6 25, 28, 35
cricket ATTAX 16, 28, 41
cricket bat 30
cricket topper 28
140 cricket +oval & arcs 9, 41
20-20 cricket 9
AB cricket-tennis balls 28
ALL ABOUT cricket +circle 28
ATMA MALIK cricket academy 41
CCL corporate cricket leagu 41
CEAT cricket rating +square 16
CEAT cricket ratings 9
COMPLAN cricket academy 5
COOLAGE tennis cricket 41
CS CEELA SPORTS +cricket ba 28
CT cricket topper 28
DCC cricket +ovals 16, 28, 41, 42
DEEPAK BUILDERS cricket clu 16
DREAM cricket 9
GALI cricket in devnagari 9
GULLY cricket 16
GULLY cricket in devnagari 16
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